community arts centre
This is the home for all our cultural programming, our centre can support immersive educational opportunities, it’s a space for cultural interest groups with purpose built rooms to support performance, arts, photography and educational experiences. Visit our Venue Hire to find out more.
SMOKESCREEN Introduced in 2016 and held monthly in the Drama Room Smokescreen brings Dubbo residents the opportunity to witness iconic and influential films from the history of cinema. To find out more follow the link.
BLACK BOX CREATIVES was formed in 2016 and has evolved into a team of young theatre producers living in the Dubbo Region. Find out more around the productions and tickets by following the link above.
MINIMAKERS is a creative early learning program involving songs, dance, stories and craft. To see details on how you can get involved follow the link to our Minimakers page.
SCOREBOARD is a public art project that allows the community to experience the opportunity of a commissioned artist. To see how you can get involved follow the link to our Scoreboard program.
SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS is our dynamic program to inspire students during the school holiday breaks. We schedule a diverse range of activities and add them to our Events section as soon as they become available.
WASTE 2 ART is an initiative of NetWaste, this community art exhibition and competition is hosted by the WPCC each year for Artists, Schools and Community members of the Dubbo Region to support and celebrate the re-use and recycling of waste through art.