Applications have now closed for our Homeground 2021 professional development program designed for emerging regional artists.
HomeGround has been running since its inception in 2006, and is an outcome of the Dubbo Regional Council Cultural Plan 2020 - 2025 (SPARC - Shaping Plans to Advance Regional Culture). HomeGround is a Professional Development program sponsored by Wingewarra Dental and in support of Orana Arts Inc.

Homeground holds a dedicated exhibition space within the Western Plains Cultural Centre Gallery, enabling emerging regional artists living and/or practicing in the Central West Region of NSW each year to grow and develop within the arts sector through participating in this development programme.

HomeGround focuses on emerging artists who are wanting to expand their skills and who have the potential to extend their practice and benefit from the experience of working within our professional Gallery. Successful Artists will collaborate and work alongside a curator experiencing all facets of the exhibition process: including a formal opening and/or artist talk; studio visits; and a range of promotional activity. Artists must live and/or practice within the highlighted red zone to be eligible to apply for the HomeGround program. Artists are asked to contact the WPCC Curatorial Team if they are unsure whether they qualify.


29 October 2021
Applications close at 5pm
23 November -
3 December 2021
Artists notified of the outcome of their application
December 2022
Homeground Exhibition opens for the first successful Artist