A COVID-19 Archive

The Covid-19 pandemic is having a profound effect on the whole planet and everyone here in the Dubbo and surrounding region will, in one way or another be feeling the consequences. We would like to hear from you, as members of our regional community, about how your life has been impacted by this global situation.
We invite you to share your Covid-19 story detailing your experiences during this time. It could be the good, the hard and the sad moments or how you adapted to the social distancing rules, changes in work, school and home during this time of restrictions on travel and contact.
Join us in documenting this experience which we can then share with our future generations.


Writing is a wonderful source of the thoughts and feelings that exist within a community. We’d love to collect some of your journal entries, your letters, your songs, and your poetry. Participants are welcome to submit.
Typed or handwritten reflections, poems, writings
Artwork and drawings
Music compositions

We are calling on our community to contribute to a collection of material related to Covid-19. This includes collecting physical ephemera, such as pamphlets, signs, menus, directional material and local publications or digital content such as newsletters, emails from schools and businesses, photographs and videos. (Only public material, not private or confidential)
If you have documents related to Covid-19 please upload an image of the material below, our Local Studies Officer will then review your submission and contact you if it’s suitable for the collection.
Who can make a submission?
We are hoping that a wide range of the community will submit their photos, writing, and ephemera about, for example, people in isolation, community groups, businesses, the arts community, frontline workers, people affected by travel restrictions, people who have experienced the COVID-19 virus, government workers, and support service workers. Objects might relate to medical care, personal well-being, and work, shopping, keeping busy at home, and being in quarantine.
What happens when I make a submission?
The Dubbo Regional Council Cultural Development Team will reply to you either by email or phone.
If your submission is accepted for the Archives, we will ask you to complete a deposit agreement and will organise the best way to receive your item(s).
Who owns what I submit?
You will be transferring ownership of your items either to Dubbo Regional Council Local History Collection. This allows the organisation to make the collections available as a whole for the community to view and access in the future.
Do I own copyright of written works and photographic images?
Yes. Copyright is owned by the creator. However, by submitting your work you are agreeing to allow Dubbo Regional Council to use your work for promotion, research, and exhibition.
Will Dubbo Regional Council acknowledge me as the creator?
Yes, we will acknowledge you if we use your work.
Can I submit photographs of people?
You can photograph someone in a public place. We ask that you respect your subjects and try not to cause a disruption.
This is different from ‘private spaces’, where you should ask the owner for permission to take photographs. Private places include schools, hospitals and shopping centres.
Will you keep everything that is submitted?
After careful consideration, Dubbo Regional Council Cultural Development Team may decide to decline or return material that is not selected for the collection, or that is received in duplicate.
In consideration of the Dubbo Regional Council /Western Plains Cultural Centre making this site available for a contribution of your material, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
1. Agreement
These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement between you and Dubbo Regional Council /Western Plains Cultural Centre. By using and contributing to the Digital Collections site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
2. Terms and Conditions
2.1. You acknowledge that all material contributed to this site expresses the views and opinions of the author and do not represent the views and opinions of the Dubbo Regional Council /Western Plains Cultural Centre or its personnel (except material contributed by these people).
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2.3. You acknowledge that the Dubbo Regional Council /Western Plains Cultural Centre may, at any time in its complete discretion, remove or edit any material you submit.
2.4. You warrant that you have all necessary rights, including copyright, in the material that you submit to this site. You will keep Dubbo Regional Council /Western Plains Cultural Centre indemnified against all costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever arising out of or in connection with any claim made or threatened by a third party in relation to the material you submit to this site (including any claim that the material infringes the intellectual property rights of any person).
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Keeping your personal information secure is important to us. We keep your data secure and ensure it is not misused, lost or altered without your permission. Our staff who undertake services for you or engage with you are committed to keeping your information confidential.
3.3 Disclosure of your personal information
Dubbo Regional Council /Western Plains Cultural Centre does not disclose personal information for any purpose other than what the personal information was gathered for.
3.4 Collection of non-personal information
Our website and online applications automatically collect information about each users visit to the site via Google Analytics, cookies and clickstream data. This data provides useful information and statistics about a user's online experience without identifying them. The type of information collected includes:
user's IP address
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This information shows us how our sites and online applications are being used and helps us improve them to make your visit useful and enjoyable. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our web-server logs. This information is analysed annually to determine website and online application usage.
By submitting a photograph, audio, video or any other digital file to this platform, the above Terms and Conditions set out that the owner confirms that they have the legal right to donate the file, and in doing so they comply with the Terms and Conditions and apply a non-exclusive Creative Commons Attribution License to the material, which means that you let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it, as long as they give you credit.